Germany trip
Common toils, wear and tears and plagues came to an end as hoped. A trip across Germany, with a backpack and a bundle of underpants, well: probably a dream I fulfilled myself during the last four days. Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart would have to be checked. What remains? Here is the final word, the conclusion so to speak, the last section of my travel diary as a small excerpt.
Relieved of all needs, satisfied, but also exhausted, I finally return to my home turf of Potsdam after all the hardships of travels. What a constant swimming with the flow between crowds, what a give and take. What a satisfaction it now triggers in me to mentally recapitulate a physically disfiguring journey with "Ready, go! - That stays here". Now, what have I left here? The fading lust, the consumption of old days, the oppression. Looking back now, why does I feel this trip was necessary? It wasn't just the people that you got to know, not the new places, broadened horizons that you see - no - it was the feeling of freedom, I just needed it somehow, because there are so many new things to gain from it: a ray of light, so to speak , hope and renewal at the same time. I can't fix it. There is just a feeling of happiness that remains.